Wednesday 1 August 2012

Self-efficacy - trying to initiate self epiphany.

As creative people we tend to define ourselves by what we do, but is what we do all of who we are? So I ask you this, what defines you?

This was being asked to me on Zephry (an online community for creatives ) conversation hosted by Kyle Steed. 

I didn't know the person. It was a random query from a stranger. It made me think really hard,
show can simple question be that hard to answer - how do you define yourself?

So I asked, " Do I have to dig deep?" ( trying to pressure/challenge myself to type in a sensible answer)
He said:  "The deeper you dig the more you'll uncover" 
then I replied: "Your past experiences, the people that inspired and challenged you, your achievements, your failures; these are some of the things that defines who you are at the moment, but it doesn't mean your past defines your future."

It was a lukewarm answer. Thank God its a written Q&A portion, if it were a contest, answering on stage in front of a crowd- I'm doomed. Fyi- answering to the forum was not required, no obligations, I just took the chance to somehow express my pseudo-intellectual self and communicate with an artist of same interest.

This made me think of a new life goal:
To define myself improved, even greater from what I am now. 

*ka-ching*   New ability acquired: Self-awareness   *ka-ching*

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